Introduction to BSB format

bsb (bitstream-builder format) files are emitted by cgra_pnr. bsb files are used by the bsbuilder tool to produce CGRA configuration bitstreams. In general, like most assembly languages, one line of bsb compiles into exactly one CGRA machine instruction (or sometimes just a single field within the instruction).

There are several sections in bsb files, including

  • Placement
  • IO
  • Routing

Placement Section

An example of the placement section is shown below. Note, any text following a pound-sign (#) is treated as a comment (i.e. it is ignored).

Tx0102_add(wire,wire)                       # add_704_707_708$binop
Tx0105_sle(wire,const255_255)               # smin_689_690_691$scomp$compop
Tx0106_uge(const59_59,wire)                 # lb_pcus$valcounter_1$ult$comp$compop
Tx0107_add(wire,wire)                       # add_762_763_764$binop
Tx0109_sub(wire,wire)                       # sub_686_688_689$binop
Tx010A_mux(wire,const255_255,wire)          # smin_689_690_691$min_mux$mux
Tx010B_lut88(wire,wire,const0_0)            # lb_pcus$valid_andr$_join$lut$lut
Tx010D_lut55(wire,const0_0,const0_0)        # lb_plsus$valcounter_1$ult$not$lut$lut
Tx010E_mux(wire,const255_255,wire)          # smin_661_662_663$min_mux$mux
Tx0201_add(const0_0,reg)                    # add_704_705_706$binop

The tile number TILE_NUM in each Tx{TILE_NUM}_{OP} indexes a specific tile described in the cgra_info file that was produced when the CGRA was generated. In recent designs, TILE_NUM is a 16-bit number where the first and second eight-bit quantities respectively indicate the tile's row and column position. Also see the PE Spec.

The opcode {OP} in each Tx{TILE_NUM}_{OP} designation is given in the input netlist JSON file. Operands ({CONN1}, {CONN2}, {CONN3}) describe the connectivity of the tile. Please notice that for binary ops, such as add, there are only two connections, whereas for mux, there are three wires connected. In mux, the last wire is the sel signal. If there is a constant folded in one of its operands, it will have const{value}_{anystring} in lieu of the wire, where {value} specifies the constant value. If a register is folded to the tile, reg will be used instead.

A list of supported ops can be found in the CGRA PE Spec that is auto-generated each time a design is built. The basic ops include add, sub, abs, gte_max, lte_min, sel, mult_0, mult_1, mult_2, rshft, lshft, or, and, and xor. Each op can be optionally prepended by u or s to indicate signed or unsigned, and optionally suffixed by a flag-set operation, e.g. sets up the tile in row 1, column 2 to do an unsigned subtract and then set the GE flag. Supported flags are found in the PE Spec and are similar to those available in the ARM architecture, including eq, ne, cs, cc, mi, pl, vs, vc, hi, ls, ge, lt, gt, and le.

Bsbuilder also supports a number of convenient aliases e.g.

ALIAS['eq'] = 'sub.eq'

ALIAS['gte'] = ''
ALIAS['ge']  = ''

ALIAS['lte'] = 'sub.le'
ALIAS['le']  = 'sub.le'

ALIAS['gt']  = ''
ALIAS['lt']  = ''

ALIAS['max'] = 'gte_max'
ALIAS['min'] = 'lte_min'

ALIAS['mul'] = 'mult_0'
ALIAS['mux'] = 'sel'

IO Section

Because the CGRA chip has two different width of tracks, i.e. 16-bit and 1bit, we need to specify different IO pad information. Below is an example of how IO pads are configured to have 16-bit and 1bit input/output.


Routing Section

# net id: e16
# m273: lb_p3_lyy_stencil_update_stream$lbmem_2_0$cgramem::rdata
# p269: add_704_709_710$binop::data1
# r15: lb_p3_lyy_stencil_update_stream$lb1d_2$reg_1::reg
Tx0C0C_rdata -> Tx0C0C_out_s3t1
Tx0B0C_in_s1t1 -> Tx0B0C_out_s3t1
Tx0A0C_in_s1t1 -> Tx0A0C_out_s3t1
Tx090C_in_s1t1 -> Tx090C_out_s3t1
Tx080C_in_s1t1 -> Tx080C_out_s3t1
Tx070C_in_s1t1 -> Tx070C_out_s3t1
Tx060C_in_s1t1 -> Tx060C_out_s3t1
Tx050C_in_s1t1 -> Tx050C_out_s3t1
Tx040C_in_s1t1 -> Tx040C_out_s3t1
Tx030C_in_s1t1 -> Tx030C_out_s3t1
Tx020C_in_s1t1 -> Tx020C_out_s2t1
Tx020B_in_s0t1 -> Tx020B_out_s2t1
Tx020A_in_s0t1 -> Tx020A_out_s2t1
Tx0209_in_s0t1 -> Tx0209_out_s2t1
Tx0208_in_s0t1 -> Tx0208_out_s2t1
Tx0207_in_s0t1 -> Tx0207_out_s2t1
Tx0206_in_s0t1 -> Tx0206_out_s2t1
Tx0205_in_s0t1 -> Tx0205_out_s3t1
Tx0105_in_s1t1 -> Tx0105_out_s2t1 (r)
Tx0205_in_s0t1 -> Tx0205_out_s2t1
Tx0204_in_s0t1 -> Tx0204_out_s2t1
Tx0203_in_s0t1 -> Tx0203_out_s2t1
Tx0202_in_s0t1 -> Tx0202_out_s1t1
Tx0202_out_s1t1 -> Tx0202_data1

Here, in and out indicate it is either the input direction or the output direction. s3t0 means side 3, track 0 where sides (0, 1, 2, 3) map to (E, S, W, N) i.e. (right, bottom, left, top). Please notice that Tx0105_out_s2t1 (r) has (r) suffixed. It is because there is a register configured in the SB. Also pay an attention to

Tx0205_in_s0t1 -> Tx0205_out_s3t1
2Tx0105_in_s1t1 -> Tx0105_out_s2t1 (r)
2Tx0205_in_s0t1 -> Tx0205_out_s2t1

This is where the MST branch splits.


You can find in CGRAGenerator/bitstream/bsbuilder/. To build an annotated bitstream, simply do

$ python cgra_info.txt < input.bsb > output.bsa

where cgra_info.txt is design-specific info created by the CGRA generator, and input.bsb is the bsb file built by cgra_pnr.

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