Application List

Below are the current set of test cases and applications. Test cases are smaller in size and scope, and should be used to find and isolate bugs in the full system. The test cases from abs to ternary are meant to cover all expected operators used in Halide. Applications are larger whose output image are attempting to accomplish some more meaningful task.

The status of each of the following test cases and applications can be found here:

Test Cases

Test Name Test Case
pointwise multiply by 2
conv_1_1 convolution with kernel size 1x1 (same as pointwise)
conv_1_2 convolution with kernel size 1x2 (one register)
conv_2_1 convolution with kernel size 2x1 (one rowbuffer)
conv_3_1 convolution with kernel size 3x1 (two rowbuffers)
conv_3_3 convolution with kernel size 3x3 (regs and rbs)
conv_chain parameterizable design of N convs with W kernel size
conv_multi 3x3 convolution with 3 multipliers (not fully unrolled)
absolute Tests abs, absd
arith Tests * / % + -
bitwise Tests & ~ | ^
boolean_ops Tests && || ^ !
counter Tests counter
divide Tests / and %
equal Tests == !=
multiply Tests * mult_middle mult_high
inout_onebit Tests one bit input and output
scomp Tests < > <= >= using signed numbers
ucomp Tests < > <= >= using unsigned numbers
sminmax Tests min, max, clamp using signed numbers
uminmax Tests min, max, clamp using unsigned numbers
sshift Tests << >> using signed numbers
ushift Tests << >> using unsigned numbers
ternary Tests MAD, MUX (select)


Application Name Functionality
gaussian 3x3 convolution using normalized values
cascade two back-to-back convolutions
harris corner detector
fast_corner corner detector using FAST algorithm (sixteen comparisons)
unsharp Mask to sharpen the image
demosaic Applies demosaic to input to create rgb image
demosaic_harris Demosaic followed by harris corner detector
demosaic_flow Demosaic followed by optical flow, pixel frame movement
stereo Creates depth map from images from two viewpoints
camera_pipeline Camera pipeline with hot pixel suppression, deinterleave, demosaic, color correct, gamma correction
canny Edge detection
bilateral_filter Perform edge-preserving blur
optical_flow Pixel movement between two frames
seedark Algin, warp, and blend underexposed images for low light
resnet_layer_gen Create a resnet layer with generator parameters

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