Halide Basics


Halide is an image-processing DSL that makes it easy to design algorithms and search for a schedule to make it run fast. Algorithms are defined by pure functions that define arrays computed based on indices (x and y cooordinate) where the loops are implicit. The schedule then allows the user to trade off locality, recomputation, and parallelism using different loop transformations.


Halide itself is not Turing complete (due to the limited nature of loops). To create hardware, one must also limit designs to feed-forward pipelines and limit recursion to a bounded depth. However, these limitations are not commonly major issues in the image-processing domain, and when creating synthesiable hardware.

Example: 3x3 convolution using separable filter

Below is an example Halide program. Note the absence of loops since they are implicit and loop bounds are defined during execution.

class ConvBlur : public Halide::Generator<ConvBlur> {
  Input<Buffer<uint8_t>>  input{"input", 2};
  Output<Buffer<uint8_t>> output{"output", 2};

  Func hw_input, blur_x, blur_y;
  Var x, y, xi, yi;

  void generate() {
    // The algorithm - no storage or order
    hw_input(x, y) = input(x, y);
    blur_x(x, y) = (hw_input(x-1, y) + hw_input(x, y) + hw_input(x+1, y))/3;

    blur_y(x, y) = (blur_x(x, y-1) + blur_x(x, y) + blur_x(x, y+1))/3;
    output(x, y) = blur_y(x, y);

    // The schedule - defines order, locality; implies storage
    if (get_target().has_feature(Target::Clockwork)) {
      Var xi,yi, xo,yo;
      blur_y.tile(x, y, xo, yo, xi, yi, 64-2, 64-2)
            .hw_accelerate(xi, xo);


    } else {  // schedule to CPU
      kernel.compute_at(output, x);


Hardware Targets

Halide is defined to create programs that can be run on a variety of targets, including CPU and GPU. With the ability to produce code for CPU, designs can run on a CPU to create reference images to verify execution.

Additionally, this work adds Clockwork for a hardware-specific target intended to create FPGA code or mapping to our CGRA. Note that scheduling is interpretted slightly different for hardware, and different tradeoffs exist. This is explored in more depth at Writing Applications and Writing Schedules

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