
The mapped netlist has many instances that can be packed into one single PE tile: this process is called packing. It aims to reduce the number of nets and instances that go through placement and routing, thus decreasing the runtime.

Packing Rules:

Although our CGRA is different from a typical FPGA, we can still pack the netlist to further reduce the size of netlists and thus improve the PnR result. Currently packing is done in packer (part of cgra_pnr), as opposed to the mapper.

Packing is done through multiple passes that modify the underlying netlist. Here are the two passes it currently uses:

Constant folding

If a constant only drives one net with one input port, we will fold the constant to the operand register. For instance, if we see something like

const0_0.out <-> add123.data0

we will set the data0 register to be constant 0. Hence we remove one net from the netlist.

Register folding

If a register only drives one net with one input port, we will put that register to the operand register and merge the nets. For instance, if we see something like

mem1.rdata <-> <-> mult1.data1 <-> mult2.data1
reg1.out <-> add123.data0

we will remove the second net and merge it with the first net. At the same time, we will wire the data0 register to the new net, e.g.,

mem1.rdata <-> add123.data0 (r) <-> mult1.data1 <-> mult2.data1

where (r) denotes the operand register.

If for some reason we don't want to fold registers, such as for debugging purpose, we can change a register to an adder where the other operand's register will be a constant 0. You can use --no-reg-folg in the PnR toolchain to specify this need.

Extra wire removing

Because all the current applications do not use certain signals, we can safely remove some nets. Those signals will be wired to a constant 1 by bsbuilder.

Below is a list of wires removed by this particular pass:

  • cg_en
  • ren

Instance renaming

Although each instance has their unique name in the mapped netlist, their names are either too long or doesn't reflect their instance type. A pass can be used to rename all instances to internal IDs.


$ python -h
usage: CGRA Packing tool [-h] -n INPUT -o OUTPUT [--no-reg-fold]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n INPUT, --netlist INPUT
                        Mapped netlist file, e.g. harris.json
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Packed netlist file, e.g. harris.packed
  --no-reg-fold         If set, the packer will turn registers into PE tiles

Packing file format

There are several sections in the file:

  • Netlists: the netlist after packing stage.
  • Folded Blocks: instances removed through packing stage. It also specifies which port the const/reg folded to.
  • ID to Names: conversion from the internal block IDs to the instance name
  • Changed to PE: normally empty unless --no-reg-fold is used.
  • Netlist Bus: tell you which track the net uses, either 16-bit or 1-bit.
e1: (p2, out)   (i0, in)
e2: (i1, out)   (p2, data0)

Folded Blocks:
(c3, out) -> (p2, const2__348, data1)

ID to Names:
i0: io16_out
i1: io16in_in_0
p2: mul_347_348_349_PE
c3: const2__348

Changed to PE:

Netlist Bus:
e1: 16
e2: 16

results matching ""

    No results matching ""